“Monks, there are these three grounds for meritorious activity (puñña). Which three? 
The ground for meritorious activity made of generosity (dāna),
the ground for meritorious activity made of virtue (sīla), and
the ground for meritorious activity made of development [meditation] (bhāvanā).
These are the three grounds for meritorious activity.”
"Train in acts of merit that yield the foremost profit of bliss — develop generosity,
a life in tune, a mind of good will.
Developing these three things that bring about bliss, the wise reappear
in a world of bliss unalloyed."
Buddha (Itivuttaka-pāḷi 60)





Name:Eesti Theeravaada Sangha Klooster
Reg. code:80372075
Address:Karnapi tee 10, Tallinn, Estonia

Bank information

Bank:LHV Pank
Bank account no. (IBAN):
Interbank Code:
Bank reg. no.:10539549
VAT no.:
Info:Mon-Fri 9.00–19.00,
Sat: 10.00–17.00.
Ph: +372 6 800 400.
Skype: info@lhv.ee
Bank address:Tartu mnt 2, Tallinn, Eesti, 10145

Thank you!

What is currently needed 

in the Wat Doi Suthep  Aegna Meditation Centre?

For paying electricity bills
80 - 200 € per month (in warm season) 500 - 700 € per month (in cold season)
For donating food to the monks
300 € per month (for 4 monks)
For purchasing medicines for the monks
Based on need
For translating the "Tipiṭaka"
300-500 € per month (editor's salary, Wi-Fi, printer, etc.)
Property tax
80 € per year, one-time
Website hosting fee
132 € per year

For the renovation of the Wat Doi Suthep Aegna Meditation Center 
and the Monastery, we need:
Loose wool PAROC BLT 9 15kg/0.25m³ (manually installable) on a pallet covering 250 m²

2,040 €  = (120 packages (900 kg) x 2 pallets x 14.50 € + 1,300 € installation)
OSB 3 board

2,407 € =  (45 pcs x 29 €)

260 €

(20 pcs of big boxes x 13 €) 
 8.000 €

(250 pcs x 32 €)
Chairs for the dining room 2.400 €

(20 chairs x 120 €) 
Exterior doors for the corridor

(4 x
650 door + 125 € transport + installation 10% = 65 €)
Replacing all the electrical wiring, sockets, etc., throughout the house 6.000 €

(material + labor)
Firewood shed
 2,990 € (+ installation)
New sewage system
10.000 €

(Ecorock 3000 + sand and other materials  + installation)
 Stoves (8 pcs)

50.960 €

(4,690 € stove + 120 € winter cover + 120 € transport + 400 € stove finishing at the back + 990 € stove installation + 50 € installation between two walls = 6,370 € x 8 = 50,960 €)
+ additional transport to the island 1,300 €

Our current support needs for Dhamma books are as follows:

Design, layout, and printing of the book "The Way of Enlightenment – As Taught by the Buddha"
5 000 €
Publishing of the translated and annotated "Great Discourse on Mindfulness" (Dīghanikāya 22) (design, layout, printing)
7 500 €

5-volume reference work: "Dhamma-Vinaya Collection"

  • DVK I. "Wisdom – As Taught by the Buddha" (editing, design, layout, printing)
  • DVK II. "Virtue – As Taught by the Buddha" (editing, design, layout, printing)
  • DVK III. "Concentration – As Taught by the Buddha" (editing, design, layout, printing)
  • DVK IV. "Abhidhamma – As Taught by the Buddha" (in preparation)
  • DVK V. "Pali-English Explanatory Dictionary" (in preparation)
18 000 €

18 000 €

18 000 €