The Goals of the Estonian Theravada Sangha Monastery

  • Introducing the Buddha’s teaching in Estonia and Europe.
  • Organizing meditation courses, camps, study groups, trips and other events.
  • Providing the short time ordination.
  • Promoting the study of the Pāli language in Estonia and in Europe. 
  • Translating the Tipiṭaka into Estonian and publishing it free of charge both online and in print.
  • Producing an interactive Pāli-Estonian-Pāli Dictionary and publishing it free online and in print.
  • Exchanging information and collaborating with other Buddhist organizations around the world.
“Bhikkhus, there are these three grounds for making merit. What three? 
The ground for making merit consisting in giving, the ground for making merit consisting in virtue, 
and the ground for making merit consisting in mind-development. These are the three.”

One should train in deeds of merit
That yield long-lasting happiness:
Generosity, a balanced life,
Developing a loving mind.
By cultivating these three things,
Deeds yielding happiness,
The wise person is reborn in bliss
In an untroubled happy world.
– Buddha –

Itivuttaka-pāḷi, Puññakiriyavatthu-sutta, Iti 60)